Since 25 of june of 2009, i hav been feeling a very deep Emptiness around me , sometimes i question myself why??? how could be this possible ??? what has been the point that make me feel like this , many questions in my head has been around me and might be with the time this feeling will go away or might be i will find the way to Control it.
But this feeling i have is more big than when Princess Diana died , i remember that time was very sad i still remember when me and my mother fallow the news of her funeral , she was so amazing women and the world was very sad for her lost and now the world has lost A big Star A great Person that gave too much to the world.
I have to say im deeply Sad this special person for me is michael jackson that past away on 25 of June , he was a amazing artist , great composer and he make smile and enjoy the world with the best he used to do His MUSIC . I still remember; when i was child and my mom or my father in tv used to play the music of michael jackson or when i used to went to my aunt´s house , who i have to say she was very big fan of him and she always had the videos of Michael Jackson on tv or the music in her car.
In my mind i have some memories of the Thriller video or the advertisements of Pepsi with Michael Jackson and of course the and i still remember when my Uncle told us the history and the great time he pass in the concert of Michael Jackson in the Aztec Stadium in Mexico City i was very Buuhh because i couldn't went but well i saw the interviews, videos about it and every time i see them i feel i was there.
Michael Jackson as Madonna and other artist i have to admit have marked my life i have to say i grow up with their music , dancing and traying to dance like them and sing like them :D i used to dress the similar clothes of Madonna or try to make de moonwalker or now i was trying to go to the concerts in London Was going to be my first Concert of Michael Jackson and this one was gonna be not in video not in tv not at internet was going to be on live,But not anymore becouse i wont see Him for my first time in a concert.
Since Michael Jackson died people have say many things about him mainly the press , which always has say many things against him , in my opinion the press is little bit guilty about it becouse always made his life full of histories that wanst true and all this led him to feel completely alone . I hope wherever he is , he will be happy and resting for all the things about him. He always ask one thing let him be free of all the pressure on him.
For now i have to say thank you for your music for you innovation on videos and movies for be the great artist and make the best shows and concerts :D, for make me smile with your videos and for that nice smile you have and of course for made all the girls fall in love with you :D like me :D . For giving me great time with your music and im very happy for and am very pleased to have been part of your time, your best times and have grown with your music.
Now i have in my mind a song that represents how i feel
" You Are Not Alone"
Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
Thank you Michael Jackson :D wherever you are thanks: D You will stay in my mind and my heart and im sure you will be there :D and remeber you are not alone
"Long live the king Michael Jackson .......... I love you <3
sorry if im not so good writing in English but i am doing my best :D